AA Calibration
The flowchart below shows the general calibration sequence fo the AA module. This establishes logit model dispersion parameters and alternative specific constants so that households respond appropriately in labour markets (labour supply elasticity), space occupancy rates and elasticity match observations, travel quantities and flows represent real world interactions, and the modelled region is represented in the world economy through trade relationships that are responsive to policy inputs such as future infrastructure.

A more detailed description of the sequence of AA Calibration, with examples of results from different PECAS projects, is available below.
SD Calibration
The procedure for calibrating SD has been documented in the user guide below. It uses a Bayesian approach with expected values to overcome data sparsity issues and to address microsimulation error. Targets include quantities of development of different types, intensities of development, and the amount of demolition (redevelopment vs green field development).
Below is the login model structure for development options in SD,